About Skagit Community Band
Our MissioN
To contribute positively to the musical environment of the Skagit Valley and surrounding areas.
To provide an opportunity for musical expression, growth, and contact among musicians.
To reaffirm the community band position in American music.

Hear From The Band
“I like the challenge and diversity of the music played by Skagit Community Band and the
life-long friends I have made in the band.”
“SCB plays so many styles of music that it is always interesting. That and the warm, inclusive feel of the group keeps me coming back. It’s wonderful!”
“I am a jazzer at heart and was inspired by my high school band director to become a band
director just like him. I guess my favorite thing about this band is that most of us have fun with it. Most
of you know I try to bring a little levity in the rehearsals.”
“Over the past decade, the Skagit Community Band has taken me from a timid student and restored my confidence, nurtured my growth and has become like a family. They’ve watched me graduate college, celebrated my becoming a mother and have helped to nurture and share my love of the arts with my son. They have provided me with opportunities and connections and have pushed me to always be growing musically and personally, and for that, for the influence they have on me and the kindness and encouragement they extend to my entire family, I will always be grateful. This group really is a community.”
“Joining SCB in 2019 has proven to be one of the best decisions of my adult life. I love
having something to look forward to during the week and having a hobby that requires using skills I have learned. The community is so welcoming and we play a wonderful selection of interesting and challenging music. I am grateful to be a part of such a fabulous, talented group of musicians.”
“Being a member of this group has given me the opportunity to make close friends, provided me with an anchor through life challenges and afforded me the opportunity to be part of a great ensemble.”